Records Unit

Weld County Sheriff's Office Records Unit Building

The Weld County Sheriff’s Office Records Unit is a 14-member team responsible for managing a variety of law enforcement records for the agency. Like the Evidence Unit, the Records Unit was formally established on Jan. 1, 2021, after more than 30 years of sharing records management duties with the Greeley Police Department.

Records technicians are responsible for processing information received by the FBI, CBI and other law enforcement agencies nationwide from the National Crime Information Center and the Colorado Crime Information Center. Records technicians process and manage police reports, arrest records, citations, warrants and information related to motor vehicle accidents.

Records technicians also serve as the custodian of various public records and facilitate the release of those records to the public in compliance with the Colorado Criminal Justice Records Act.Interior of WCSO Records Unit

As of July 2021, the Records Unit accepts payments for traffic tickets issued by the county and processes paperwork for abandoned vehicles.

The Records Unit customer service window is located at 1555 N. 17th Ave (garden level) in Greeley, and is open Monday through Friday, except holidays and during county closures.

For more information about a ticket or an abandoned vehicle, please call (970) 400-2770. Tickets can be paid by visiting the Records Unit in person at 1555 N. 17th Ave (garden level) in Greeley. Tickets can also be paid by mail by sending a check or a money order to the above location.

The Records Unit is open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, except on major holidays or for county closures, such as for extreme weather.

Tickets can still be paid at the Weld County Sheriff's Office's two substations in Fort Lupton, 2950 9th St., and Longmont, 4209 Weld County Road 24 1/2.


The Weld County Sheriff's Office will accept requests for records from the community and members of the media. Requests for records may incur a fee based on the amount of time spent on the request in accordance with the Weld County Code fee schedule.

Requests for patrol, administration, inmate, and inmate medical records will be submitted to the Weld County Sheriff's Office Records Division. Please download and fill out the Application for Release of Records(PDF, 714KB)